
2月のメイン・イヴェントで吉祥寺(正確には三鷹)に宿泊の日々。そんななか先日のエントリーで紹介したジュリエットの論文を読んだり。予想とは違ってLacanian twistとでもいうべき議論があり、かなり刺激的で、こんなコメントを送る:

I consider that your discussion is a very elegant and strong
re-foregrounding of psychoanalysis as subversive of any
imaginary/metaphorical drawing of lines and at the same time (this is
much more important) as suggestive of a Lacanian impossible/necessary
line or articulation—-"a sign you are changing discourses” as he puts
it. This “visceral experience” of course serves as a radical
intervention into the structuralist/social-constructionist assumptions
about the Lacanian “symbolic” as well as the Harawayian optimism about
the“borderless universe,” which reminds me of the Lacanian “foreclosure.”

ついでにフロイト的「不安」についてのSamuel Weberの論文も読み出す。

マーストリヒトで読んだペイパーの論文化はまだ時間があるそうで、"Do not worry about rushing your essay; the others have not handed anything in yet."という返事が来てほっとしたり。
